Meet the Family

Wouldn’t you say it’s high time you met my family? After all, we are on a first name basis. I have two boys … although many wives out there wouldn’t argue with me if I said I had three some days. And, to be honest, my husband might not argue that fact either.

I’ve wrestled with the idea about how to refer to my kiddos in this blog. One, for their personal privacy, and two, kids are so tech savvy —  how long will it be before my older one catches on? And rather than making them sound like test subjects (“V” and “H”) I’m going to use their nicknames we use around the house.

Vman is 5yo going on six in August. He was right at the cut off date for kindergarten and wasn’t ready anyway so he will be starting this fall. Vman is a firecracker rolled up in dynamite. Even without SPD, this child exudes enthusiasm and a gusto for life. His teacher explained it best — his smile lights up the room like a Christmas tree. But with all his Indiana Jones mentality, he’s still a sensitive kid who doesn’t know how or feel comfortable showing affection.

Vman has an unusual mix of sensory challenges. He is tactile defensive, hates bright lights and loud noises (although he is usually the loudest one in the room). But the unusual part is he is a proprioceptive seeker. Figure that one out.

Hbomb, my 3yo, is anything but. He loves to curl up into a ball in my lap and cuddle. He was born knowing how to give the sweetest hugs and kisses and craves them. He was the definition of a baby so cute I just wanted to eat him up with a spoon. But we’re not fooled by his angelic exterior. Waiting is a child ready to release his mischievous side, of which we have gotten glimpses. He will be the quiet one we’ll have to keep an eye out for.

Hbomb gets overstimulated by sound, light, noise, and most often his brother. He also has vestibular problems which makes him feel uncertain in his environment. We often get the statement “I too little” when he’s trying to say something feels too big to do. He’s often falling over and walking into things. But we’re working on it.

As toddlers, Vman was always loud and into everything. The moment there was any silence in the house, we knew we were in for big trouble. He was colicky from the moment he was born and would down a bottle so fast it was like he was doing a beer bong. Only extra tight wrapping, no lights in in the house and silence would offer me minor relief.

Hbomb was unbelievably quiet. We weren’t sure if he didn’t feel Iike competing with Vman. We kept thinking he was a really mellow dude. Also, one moment he would be there and then mysteriously gone — usually off looking at a book or quietly and intently studying how his car toys worked.

So glad you finally met my boys. Now I can just refer to them as they are. And can talk about the different ways I have to help them… as well as how I deal with two boys on opposite ends of the sensory spectrum.

 To learn more about sensory challenges or to join our inclusive community, visit The Sensory Spectrum.


  1. Nice to “meet” your guys. Vman’s mix is probably more common than you would think. His sensory challenges are a clone of my son’s (who is now 9 and just finishing 3rd grade). I used to be so confused at why my son, who has great difficulty with loud noises, would, himself, make such loud noises all the time (often driving me nuts). There is something about his being able to control the noise. In so many situations, when he feels like he has control, he does so much better.

    We thought my son was colicky until he was so uncomfortable that I knew it was something more. Turns out he had refux. Thank goodness for Zantac! Does Vman have any issues with coloring or drawing? Just wondering, because my Little Man also deals with small motor planning delays and low muscle tone- makes writing difficult, has a weak grip, contributed to speech difficulties, and I think, contributed to his reflux.

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