Facebook Sensory Support Groups

Late last night, I was working on a conference presentation about where parents should start when they uncover their child has sensory challenges. And one serious resource I think a lot of people overlook are Facebook groups for sensory support.

I’m not talking about Sensory Facebook pages, one of which I happen to publish. 

Those are wonderful, provide great information and have their place.

But as a sensory parent, you can often feel isolated and disconnected from those around you. Even the best of friends and family don’t necessarily get what you’re going through.

Be sure to learn more about Sensory Processing Disorder and my parenting tips on how to support your child with sensory challenges.

In Facebook Sensory Support Groups, however, you suddenly find your peeps!

It’s the seasoned mom in Georgia.

The new parent in Oregon.

The grandparent in New Hampshire.

They don’t think you’re making things up.

They don’t think sensory issues are all in your head.

And they have some great solutions to some of the daily problems you’re trying to figure out. These people are living the same challenges you are!

Whether you’re brand new to the sensory community or a veteran, these Facebook Sensory Support Groups can be an amazing emotional outlet, wealth of hidden information and give you a little peace of mind.

Facebook Sensory Processing Disorder Support Groups for Parents and Individuals

Facebook Sensory Support Groups

While Facebook groups are a terrific outlet, not all Facebook groups are a match. 

My community Voices of SPD Discussion Group focuses strictly on helping each other with suggestions and information.

Other groups are there to just share your thoughts, jot down a rant and be heard. 

Some have people posting every hour or more.

Others have a couple of posts a day that don’t crowd your newsfeed.

They are not necessarily a one-size fits all.

You need to decide which ones best for your needs and personality. 

Also, be aware that some Facebook groups are public, which means if you post or comment in them, your Facebook friends may see that on their newsfeed.

Closed Facebook groups allow only members to see what’s going on in the group.

Voices of Sensory Processing Disorder Discussion Group

This group is an extension of The Sensory Spectrum website.

This community is a place for parents to ask questions of other parents and share their own insight/experience to help other sensory parents in our group.

Parents with Sensory Processing Disorder Kids

This group is a support group for parents with Sensory Processing Disorder Kids, sharing information and articles.

Sensory Processing Disorder Adult Support

The mission of this group is to support adults with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) through all stages of SPD diagnosis and life post-diagnosis.

Although SPD is now frequently diagnosed in childhood, many adults grew up unaware of their SPD diagnosis, contending with unique challenges, and attempting to make sense of their differences.

Sensory Wonderland

Share ideas on sensory play, fun sensory play space ideas, and sensory diets to address behavior.

Support for Sensory Needs

This is a group meant to support anyone wanting to learn more about the sensory needs of children.

The group welcomes anyone who has an open mind, kind spirit and is willing to listen to ideas without passing judgement.

Mom Computer

Sensory Processing Disorder Advocacy

This group is for parents and people with SPD. The group’s goal is to raise awareness and advocate for these children especially with the school districts and medical fields.

SPD is a serious problem and we want people to know about it!

You can post links to anything or ask questions for the other parents or just about anything as long as its related to SPD!

Sensory Processing Disorder – Support and Awareness Group

This group is meant to provide support for those with SPD and those who know people with the disorder.

It is also meant to spread awareness of SPD, since not many people know what it is.

Sensory Processing Disorder Parents

This is a closed group for parents and families of children with sensory processing disorders.

This is a safe place to vent, ask questions, and offer support.

Special Needs and Sensory Play

This group is for anyone that wants not only sensory ideas but help advice on anything special needs related.

This is not a autism group but for anyone with special needs.

Sensory Integration Dysfunction/ Sensory Processing Disorder

This group is for parents of kid’s with Sensory Integration Dysfunction (also called Sensory Processing Disorder) to discuss the dysfunction/disorder their child has, issues they have, suggestions and ideas for dealing with behaviors, information awareness, and supporting one another.


Read more about Sensory Processing Disorder on Mommy Evolution!


    1. Now you’re just puffing up my ego… but I’ll take it 😉 I was working on a presentation and it occurred to me I hadn’t really seen anyone put together a list. So I though, why not?

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